M366 is the first course I have done where there are a number of online tutorials using a system called Elluminate (http://www.elluminate.com/). This does present a problem though in that the tutor taking the online tutorial can have the tendency to post messages about the tutorial only to their tutor group, as is the case I experienced on Tuesday 23.Jun.09.
Although I reside in region 13 I tend to participate in region 1 tutorials as I work in London and it is often easier for me to attend these tutorials rather than my official ones. One of the region 1 tutors’ has been very helpful in supplying me with dates and times of the online tutorials so that I could participate. So on Tuesday I logged on at 8pm only to discover that there was no one else around. I hung on till 8:30 but with no one else coming online I assumed that perhaps the tutorial had been cancelled. Yesterday I discovered that in fact the tutor (a different tutor to the one previously mentioned) who took the tutorial had actually started it at 7pm and only her students were aware of this. I have e-mailed this tutor in the hope that she will keep me informed of the start times of future online tutorials she is taking.