Wednesday, February 08, 2006

M301: Constructors and Inheritance

Code to demo that a subclass invokes its superclass constructor without directly calling it.

Creating an instance of ChildClass
--- Running the ParentClass constructor ---
--- Running the ChildClass constructor ---
The instance variable from the ParentClass says "Hello from the ParentClass"
The instance variable from the ChildClass says "Hello from the ChildClass"

Source Code
public class ExtendTest
public static void main(String [] args)
System.out.println("Creating an instance of ChildClass");
ChildClass tempCC = new ChildClass();
System.out.println("The instance variable from the ParentClass says \"" + tempCC.pcString + "\"");
System.out.println("The instance variable from the ChildClass says \"" + tempCC.ccString + "\"");
} // End of class ExtendTest

public class ChildClass extends ParentClass
protected String ccString;

public ChildClass()
System.out.println("--- Running the ChildClass constructor ---");
ccString = "Hello from the ChildClass";
} // End of class ChildClass

public class ParentClass
protected String pcString;

public ParentClass()
System.out.println("--- Running the ParentClass constructor ---");
pcString = "Hello from the ParentClass";
} // End of class ParentClass

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